
This workshop focuses on helping people understand how they make decisions, how they navigate in the world, what their own thinking processes are and how bias can get in the way of those processes. We will not only examine biases, but also explore 6 ways to combat biases in ourselves. The workshop works on the “inclusiveness” of men in the diversity process with concrete examples and concrete take-aways to heighten awareness within the workplace. Depending on if the group is mixed or men only, some of the methodology will vary.


  • Understand what bias and unconscious bias means
  • Explore our own bias through a series of exercises
  • Deepen the understanding through a serious of test examples
  • Explore is small groups what bias is
  • Understand the importance of diversity
  • Understand respect and disrespect in the workplace, as well as welcomed and unwelcomed behaviors
  • Understand what the consequences of unconscious bias can be such as bullying
  • Understand positive duty, compliance and non-compliance
  • Learn 6 ways to combat bias behavior

Methods used

  • The seminar is interactive and practices influencing techniques
  • Participants should be prepared to work in groups or with other individuals
Course details:
Duration: 1 day

Location & Date:


Class minimum is 10 persons
Contact for in-house programs