
The unionized workforce in Europe ranges between 17-55% compared to the USA statistics of 11%, yet European productivity is just as high as in the USA, even if the unions have much more influence in most companies. With weak leadership or poor communication, unions can basically disable a company or country such as Lufthansa German Airlines and German Rails did in 2015. Unions can also be the backbone of a company when they work together and believe in the company. Examples are the unions in companies such as Mercedes or Lindt Chocolate, where they are proud producers of quality products. This course is focuses leadership in the union environment, and how good leadership can help union workers thrive and contribute to the success of a company. This workshop is specially designed by Kimberli J. Lewis, who has 20 years’ experience dealing with unions in Europe.


A number of challenges can arise when managing in a unionized environment. Despite the set hours, particular job descriptions, overtime regulations, how heavy or light the workload should be and the legal restrictions, the cooperation of a unionized team is directly related to the skills of the supervisor or manager. If supervisors and managers want to bring in new ways of working or implement changes they need different skills, then they would need in a non-unionized environment. This workshop works on the skills needed to effectively work in a unionized environment and which practical and leadership practices are needed to successfully manage or supervise a unionized environment.

Goals and Delivery

  • Understanding the place of the union in the systemic organization
  • How to build credibility with your team
  • What communication techniques work best with unions
  • How to build accountability in a unionized environment
  • How to enhance job satisfaction and performance within a unionized environment
  • Building customized approaches for motivation and job enrichment within the legal parameters
  • Handling employee complaints
  • Managing challenging employees
  • The concept of fairness
  • Dealing with institutionalize conflict in the workplace
  • Delegation in a unionized environment
  • Understanding your role and the common goal

Method used

  • Lecture
  • Role-play
  • Non-specific 360 is suggestion before the course begins
Course details:
Duration: 1 day

Location & Date:


Class minimum is 10 persons
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