December 26, 2017
Using Mindset to Become a Successful Leader in the VUCA World | With Jonathan Pritchard

What is the VUCA world? It is a global work environment which has volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity as a norm and only leaders who can continually transform will suceed. But being able to transform means adapting a growth mindset.

December 19, 2017
Insights from Two Generation Z Future Leaders | With Tanvi Bakshi

If you thought you just figured out the Millennials, just wait for the next generation of future leaders. Gen Z-ers are now influencing the world. They are the ones that grew up digitally connected; they’re accustomed to having data and content thrown at them all day and from all angles.

December 12, 2017
How to use Twitter to Boost Your Image and Your Business | With Samantha Kelly 

Years ago, if someone had told us that a social media site would be limited to 140 characters and still be successful, none of us would have believed them. But Twitter has accomplished this.

December 5, 2017
Business Growth through Presence and Reputation Management | With Mike Blumenthal

It is critical to diligently watch and manage your online reputation in order to ensure business success and growth. It is also important to have a have a well-thought-out reputation development strategy in place for your business, but what does that mean?

November 28, 2017
Helping Women Earn a Seat in the Boardroom | With Marja Norris

Women make up approximately 50% of the today’s workforce in many countries and 40% worldwide, although most of these positions are in not in management. When they are in management, they are normally below the middle management level and not at the executive level.

November 21, 2017
Core Values,The Basis of True Leadership | With Dr. Jeffrey E. Thompson, MD

It is important for companies to form collective values that can be shared and communicated to their employees and customers. Many companies do this, they have core values, but many companies fall short.

November 14, 2017
The Changing Face of Leadership Development | With Glain Roberts-McCabe

Years ago, leadership development was made up of lectures and presentations, then came, the era of new development programs focused on “horizontal” development (competencies), but with very little time spent on “vertical” development (developmental stages).

October 31, 2017
Why Leaders need Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem | With Dr. Sam Nassif

Great leaders have a solid understanding of how their emotions and actions affect the people around them, and this is called emotional intelligence. When leaders have emotional intelligence, they can discern the emotions of others while using information and thought to guide their own behaviour.

October 17, 2017
Cyber Security Tips from the Mind of a Hacker | With Dave Chronister

The world was shocked when Equifax announced that 143 million people’s Social Security numbers were compromised, and everyone asked how did this happen? But they are not the only ones to suffer a comprise in data security.

October 10, 2017
A look at Leadership in a Local Family Business | With Terry O’Brien
Family-owned or -controlled businesses account for an estimated 80% of companies worldwide and are the largest source of long-term employment in most countries. In the United States, they employ 60% of workers and create 78% of new jobs.

October 3, 2017
How to become a First-Rate Communicator | With Audrey Nelson PhD
Good and clear communication is a leadership fundamental. Leaders need good communication in order to manage all aspects of their positions and their businesses. Good communication impacts all management transactions and poor communications is one of the biggest obstacles to maximizing success.

September 26, 2017
What Leaders Can Learn From the Film Industry! | With Susan Johnston

Business leaders can learn quite a bit from creative industries. When we sit down and watch a film we generally do not think about how it all came together. We may look at the special effects, be in awe with the setting, fall in love with the actors and actresses, but we rarely think about what went on behind the scene.

September 19, 2017
Data Regulations and Compliances, Is your company ready? | With Claudius Determann

Data is valuable. Cloud computing and user-generated platforms based on data sharing is on the rise. The Internet of things is growing. New technical possibilities are emerging and all this means that the expectations on data anonymization, usage and control is in the legislative forefront.

September 12, 2017
Managing the Millennials | With Bruce Tulgan

The Millennials are now full force in the workforce. As Generation X begins to move into the Board Rooms and Baby Boomers begin to find new interests, the Millennials are emerging in management positions. They are setting new rules, bringing new ideas and bringing change to the way we do business.

September 5, 2017
How Artificial Intelligence will Change the Future of Business | With Rohit Talwar

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing everything. It is not only changing the way we go about our personal lives but it is also it is changing the future of business. It’s predictive behaviors are forcasting trends for many companies, AI is taking over mundane tasks that waste time and money and it is supporting us in our decision making precesses by providing us with more and more data, while predicting future trends.

August 29, 2017
Women at the Helm, Setting New International Leadership Standards | With Sandy Lohr

As today’s global economy becomes stronger, international executive positions are becoming more abundant, but not everyone has the leadership skills to achieve an international position, but among those that do, many are women.

August 22, 2017
Getting, Keeping and Succeeding in an International Assignment! | With Ben Legg, CEO of Adparlor Global

Global mobility has increased greatly over the years and the number of international assignment’s is estimated to reach about 56 million in 2017, but even at 56 million this is still only a fraction of all the jobs worldwide. 

August 15, 2017
How can I expand my business globally? | With Peter Urmson, CEO, Spotzer

How do local businesses begin? Normally, it starts with a good idea that then grows into a business. For most companies, building and maintaining a local customer base is one of the first steps to success, but what happens when the local customer base is just not enough anymore?

August 1, 2017
Move over Millennials, Generation Z is here | With Dan Keldsen

Today is the first time we are working with four generations in the same workforce and by 2020 we will have five. We as leaders must address generational differences and most recently the hot topic was “how to manage millennials in the workforce”, but this topic is now obsolete.

July 25, 2017
Narcissistic Leadership: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | With Dr. Anastasia Pattison and Tereza Prihodova MA

The word “narcissistic leader” has become a buzz word, especially since the presidential elections that took place in the United States. The general public has gotten into the habit of labeling many leaders-in both business and politics narcissists, but is this really fair and is it really true?

July 18, 2017
Who Makes a Better Manager: A Man or a Woman | With John Gray, PH.D

From the cave to the condo, gender communication has been a tenuous art and certainly not a defined science. We know that men and women communicate so differently they may as well be from different planets, says Dr. John Gray.

July 11, 2017
Leadership Stress and Substance Abuse | With Marc Treitler

Today we live in competitive and stressful world. We want to be good employees, good leaders and we want to manage everything, but sometimes the stress gets to us and we all react to stress in different ways. Some of go to the gym, some of us go on vacation and some of us reach for a glass or two.

June 27, 2017
How can I become a trusted leader? | With John Blakey

A strong sense of trust in an employee-manager relationship encourages loyalty, increases productivity, maintains retention and contributes to the company’s bottom line. But people are the ones that either decide to extend trust or not. Trust can also be gained or lost in the blink of an eye, and in business this means with one small incident.

June 20, 2017
The Future of Leadership | With Ann Francke
Very often great leadership is defined based on the successful examples of the past, but we seldom think about what great leadership will like in the future. A lot of leaders today feel overwhelmed and unprepared for a future they cannot predict.

June 13, 2017
The New Generation of Leadership Coaching | With John Leary-Joyce

Very often it is hard for leaders to ask for their own professional development because they believe it could be interpreted as sign of weakness. But leaders also deserve someone to help them enhance their potential. Additional training is one method, but there is also a new generation of development that helps build stronger leaders and as well as stronger organizations.

June 6, 2017
Why Diversity Matters? | With Elisabet Rodriguez Dennehy

We all intuitively know that diversity in the workplace matters, but we continue not to leverage the diverse talent pools available to us. We know that inclusive leadership should not just be associated with social responsibility, it should be considered common business sense because numerous studies have proved that diversity has a positive effect on the bottom line.