December 19, 2023

‘AI’s Rapid Revolution: Transforming the customer conversation | Christian J. Ward

AI is advancing at an astonishing speed! The rate of development is truly remarkable, with breakthroughs and innovations happening every day. From machine learning to natural language processing, AI technologies rapidly evolve and transform our lives and work.

December 5, 2023

The Art of Feminine Negotiation | Cindy Watson

In 2018, an experiment was conducted by four female educators and psychologists that tested a group of adolescent girls in Zambia on their ability to negotiate. After the initial test, the educators put the girls through six two-hour after-school sessions, where the eighth-grade girls engaged in discussion, role-playing, storytelling, and gameplay to learn four negotiation principles from Zambia educators. 

November 28, 2023

Unleashing Unicorn Potential: Strategies for Success | João de Sousa Aroso

Becoming a startup Unicorn is the dream for many ambitious entrepreneurs. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, a Unicorn refers to a start-up company valued at over $1 billion. The path to achieving this prestigious status requires a combination of innovative thinking, strategic planning, and relentless determination. Becoming a startup Unicorn is not an easy feat. 

November 21, 2023

The Role of the Personal Touch in Sales Success | Lisbet Laursen

Imagine a world where every sales interaction begins with a genuine understanding of our customers. Placing the customer at the heart of the sales process is a philosophy that resonates deeply across industries. It empowers us to craft personalized experiences that cater to their unique needs. 

November 14, 2023

How conscious accountability can elevate results | David C Tate

We all think we know what accountability is but very often, we mix up the words accountability, responsibility, answerability, obligation, and many others. We often use these words in the same context and relate the meaning to forced or given tasks rather than inner motivation or drive.

November 7, 2023

The impact digitalization has had on the Media Landscape | Desiree Kupietz

The decline of newspaper and print media over the last 20 years has been dramatic. In 2000, the print revenue of newspapers worldwide peaked and has declined ever since. The rise of the internet has changed how news is produced; it’s now not only continuously updated, but it has also led to a massive explosion in bloggers and social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

October 31, 2023

Igniting Transformation with the Power of Trust | Zain Raj

We often miss vital signals that can help us better prepare for life’s surprises. We very often focus on the wrong things and do not see the things we should. But there is one thing that can help us see better, and that is trust. Trust presence cements relationships by allowing people to live and work together, feel safe, and belong to a group.

October 24, 2023

The digital presence of business in a competitive online space | Paul Wood & Renato Bottini

In today’s digital age, having a strong and effective online presence is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses. In this episode, we will explore how these businesses enhance their digital presence to reach their target audience in a competitive online space. We discuss the importance of having a mobile-friendly website, effective social media strategies, and search engine optimization techniques and look at what businesses are doing and where they are falling behind. 

October 17, 2023

How conscious accountability can elevate results | David C Tate

We all think we know what accountability is but very often, we mix up the words accountability, responsibility, answerability, obligation, and many others. We often use these words in the same context and relate the meaning to forced or given tasks rather than inner motivation or drive. 

October 11, 2023

The art of persuasion and influence | Stephen McGarvey

Being able to Influence and persuade are the two critical skills that successful leaders share. But they are not only skills needed in leadership; they also come in handy in everyday life. It does not matter if you are trying to convince your family to go mountains rather than the beach; these skills are handy.

October 3, 2023

How AI is changing the digital media landscape | Avigayil Lewin

Microsoft launches a new AI tool, and Google strikes back. AI bots on social media compete with each other, fighting for prevalent places in our lives. AI touches almost every aspect of our lives, but it is most prevalent in media. From content generation to digital advertising targeting, it learns from how we behave and then tries to influence how we, consumers, behave.

September 26, 2023

The connection between positive influence and great leadership | Brian Smith, PhD

Many people influence us, and we influence many people, but what is influence, and how does it differ from power? Power is more your ability to impose your will or thoughts on others, while influence is the ability to affect behavior and benefits.

September 19, 2023

The Art of Persuasion and Influence | Stephen McGarvey

Being able to Influence and persuade are the two critical skills that successful leaders share. But they are not only skills needed in leadership; they also come in handy in everyday life. It does not matter if you are trying to convince your family to go mountains rather than the beach; these skills are handy. But no matter if it is in leadership or private life, we sometimes do not always pay attention to the process of persuading and influencing; we just go through the motions and hope for the right outcome. 

September 12, 2023

The Art of Feminine Negotiation | Cindy Watson

In 2018, an experiment was conducted by four female educators and psychologists that tested a group of adolescent girls in Zambia on their ability to negotiate. After the initial test, the educators put the girls through six two-hour after-school sessions, where the eighth-grade girls engaged in discussion, role-playing, storytelling, and gameplay to learn four negotiation principles from Zambia educators. 

September 6, 2023

Stop Monologuing: Enable Trust-Centric Customer Dialogues with AI | Christian J. Ward

The Monologue and Dialogue are two literary devices that involve speech. Monologue refers to a speech delivered by one person to express thoughts. In contrast, the Dialogue refers to a conversation between two or more persons, and very often, we think of these as literary devices because they are. 

August 30, 2023

Leading in the Age of Deep Expertise | Dr. Wanda T. Wallace

Have you ever thought about why companies have difficulty promoting the right people? Is it that they do not know how to recognize talent and potential? Or are we looking for the wrong things? Our expectations are too high. Do we want leaders to be superheroes who are good at everything?

August 22, 2023

“Sizzlin’ Social: Heat Up Your SMB’s Success with Local Social’ | Stéphanie Génin

Thirty years ago, advertising was in newspapers, billboards, and telephone directories, and there was always effective word of mouth. Today we still have word of mouth but in a completely different form, social media. It is hard to imagine a world without social media because we all use it, regardless of age or where we live. And there is no generation gap; there are 87-year-olds on Facebook and Instagram looking for local businesses. 

August 15, 2023

Moving Beyond Performance When Determining Leadership Potential | Kimberly Janson & Melody Rawlings

When we talk about leadership, most of the time, the focus is on the results, like share prices and profit, rather than on the elements that create them, and this distracts us from the aspects of good leadership. Today’s challenge in this profit-focused world is encouraging good leadership practices and recognizing talent when we see it. 

August 8, 2023

How reading fiction can make you a better leader! | Melanie Bell

A Forbes Leadership article encourages leaders to pick up a novel that will engage and stretch the right side of their brain—the creative, reflective, empathetic side—because the left side of your brain is busy so many hours a day while you work. They say by doing this it can help you be a better leader. But does this work with all fiction or just with certain novels? 

August 1, 2023

Broadening digital solutions to support SMBs | Peter Urmson

In the face of changing customer demands and hybrid buying behaviors, the SMBs that are pivoting quickly and welcoming new technology are demonstrating higher adaptability and resilience than those SMBs who are slow to embrace change. In layman’s words, the SMBs embracing change are maintaining and growing their customer base, while others need to catch up. 

July 25, 2023

Staying competitive with a solid digital strategy | Andrew Cohen

When it comes to technology, the key for any organization is uptime. Every company has employees, whether a small business with one or two employees or a large enterprise with thousands. However, they all use technology, so it must be reliable and ensure the company has a strong network. But this is not easy to do. Technology is constantly changing, the needs of the business change, and customer expectations change. And this means companies, regardless of size, must keep their networks up to date. 

July 18, 2023

Helping women become strong negotiators | Beth Fisher-Yoshida

Negotiating is critical for women, and we know it leads to better outcomes: for example, when it comes to wages, women who ask for a raise are more than twice as likely to get one as women who don’t. But the truth is that women face unique challenges when negotiating, beginning with the fact that they are often viewed as “unlikeable” or “aggressive” when negotiating. 

July 11, 2023

How to take an Idea and make it into a profitable business | Will Russell

Many people have ideas and want to start their own businesses, but how many of these ideas become successful businesses? Pursuing an idea and trying to start and run a business can be scary because you must give up a lot. You may need to give up a well-paying job, your home, your nest egg, and your security, And this is even before you know if you will succeed. 

July 4, 2023

Why companies should view complaints as gifts | Janelle Barlow

As a consumer, if a product or service does not meet our expectations, we usually consider whether we should complain or not. Half the time, we do not because complaining can be exhausting as a customer, and sometimes you do not get any results. But on the other hand, if something is wrong, we should inform the company. Companies can only improve if they hear from their customers, right? 

June 27, 2023

How acquisitions provide an opportunity for growth for all sides | Sandy Lohr

Mergers and acquisitions happen constantly, but being acquired can sometimes be tough for many companies because it comes with many challenges. Still, it can also be an excellent opportunity for many companies. It can be an opportunity to rethink strategies, consolidate markets and customers, set new goals and KPIs, and build a new culture

June 20, 2023

Office Shock – Creating Better Futures for Working and Living | Joseph Press

When you google or ask an individual what the future office will look like, you usually get an answer like “hybrid, greener, home office, open spaces, modern, but these are things already happening today. They are also very “material oriented or space oriented”.

June 13, 2023

Understanding Organizations – unraveling their complexity | Henry Mintzberg

Why do most businesses make their organizations so complex? According to a new study by The Economist Intelligence Unit, 55 percent of all surveyed organizations would call their operational structure “very” or “extremely” complicated. Only 1 percent – around three of the 331 executive respondents – believed their business was “not complex at all.”

June 6, 2023

Finding Your Way in a Data-Driven World | Sangeeta Krishnan

We, as leaders, are always starved for data. We want facts, analysis, and research and are given it, but even when surrounded by data, we often still need a clue. Why is that? Because even if we are starved for data, we drown in it. Sometimes we must find a way to differentiate between valuable data and data waste. As leaders, we often need to learn how to set up our organizations to ensure they focus on valuable data.

May 30, 2023

Leadership: The Warriors Art – what we can learn from history | Chris Kolenda

Leadership books are abundant online, in bookstores, and in libraries, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. As leaders, we may seek out a few to broaden our perspectives, but there is another way to improve our leadership skills—looking to history.

May 23, 2023

Why companies should view complaints as gifts | Janelle Barlow

As a consumer, if a product or service does not meet our expectations, we usually consider whether we should complain or not. Half the time, we do not because complaining can be exhausting as a customer, and sometimes you do not get any results. 

May 16, 2023

Remote Work – How to manage Freedom, Flexibility, and Focus | Tamara Sanderson

In this episode, we explore the impact of the global pandemic on the workplace, with a particular focus on remote workforces. While only 6% of people worked from home before the pandemic, this number rose to 35% in May 2020 and is now at around 38%. Despite this increase, 44% of companies still do not allow remote work.

May 9, 2023

Deep Diving into How AI is Changing Digital Marketing | Jared Turner

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term coined by. emeritus Stanford Professor John McCarthy, in 1955, defined by him as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,” Now, over 60 years later, it has become part of our daily lives. It is used in various industries. 

May 2, 2023

The art of persuasion and influence | Stephen McGarvey

Being able to Influence and persuade are the two critical skills that successful leaders share. But they are not only skills needed in leadership; they also come in handy in everyday life. It does not matter if you are trying to convince your family to go mountains rather than the beach; these skills are handy. 

April 25, 2023

Why a people-centric company culture attracts talent | Drew Neal

The famous management Guru Peter Drucker said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Intuitively we know this; we know a strong culture is needed for a company’s overall health, competitiveness, and profitability, but sometimes culture takes a back seat to profits and strategy. And today, in 2023, culture is even more critical than before companies try to find talent.

April 18, 2023

Conversational Commerce – The new personal purchasing process | Thibault Levi-Martin

If you’ve ever had a personal assistant, then you understand what this does to your purchasing process—all the pre-purchase research, placing an order, and even making the payment is done with support. Well, conversational commerce is heading in that direction. It’s a kind of “virtual assistant” that can help guide you through the purchasing process. 

April 11, 2023

Where is and who has my data? Today’s data privacy environment | Tilman Harmeling

Most believe companies and the government track and monitor their online and offline activities. Most adults think going through a day with data collected about them is impossible. Data-driven products and services are often marketed with the potential to save users time and money, but do they do that? Of course, most adults see risks as they continue to hit yes on every cookie banner. 

April 4, 2023

The outdated advertising agency model: What is it, what’s next? | Jacqueline Cook

Fast-moving consumer goods like consumer electrics, the movie industry, and the advertising and marketing industry are today’s most rapidly changing market segments. This means that the companies serving businesses and consumers in these market segments must all endure rapid change, be flexible, and learn new technology. Still, many companies need to catch up because change is difficult.

March 28, 2023

Leadership Lessons from the War in Ukraine – what can we learn? | Dr. Jeffrey D. McCausland

It is one year and approximately one month since Russia invaded Ukraine. An act almost no one thought would happen. So where are we today? What is the current situation, and what are the motives behind Putin’s actions? More importantly, what have we learned in the political arena, and what can leaders learn from this tragic situation?

March 21, 2023

Keeping up with the evolving world of digital marketing | Peter Urmson

Digital marketing has transformed the business world and brought marketing to a new level. Driven website traffic, brand awareness, and getting high-quality leads are what businesses are looking for from digital marketing, and digital marketing does deliver. But it also is an evolving marketing medium with new channels and new technologies appearing faster than we can keep up.

March 14, 2023

How conscious accountability can elevate results | David C. Tate

We all think we know what accountability is but very often, we mix up the words accountability, responsibility, answerability, obligation, and many others. We often use these words in the same context and relate the meaning to forced or given tasks rather than inner motivation or drive. 

March 7, 2023

SMEs – Improving Performance through an effective App Strategy | Russ Jeffery

In 2010, Tech magazine reported the boom of the App culture. Today it is not a culture but a way of life, but it is not only for end-users or B2C and B2B situations. B2B mobile apps make work management and tracking easy and allow a platform where many people and departments can collaborate. So, it is not just about the end-user consumer today; it is about business.

February 28, 2023

Innovation and transformational management in the public sector | Dean Schroeder

What can the private sector learn from the public sector? Lots We often talk about management practices, organization management, process efficacies, and how to make companies more customer-oriented, efficient, inclusive –ultimately more profitable; we mainly discuss the private sector, when we discuss governments or the public sector if it is often in the form of a complaint.

February 21, 2023

Building the right roadmap for evolving organizations | Louwki Coetsee

Any organizational infrastructure must anticipate a rapidly changing world where technologies, politics, company, and employee needs will differ from today. We learned this three years ago as we got tossed into a virtual world that we thought was years away. Many companies did not have the technology or infrastructure to support the millions of home offices that happened virtually overnight.

February 14, 2023

Reshaping Digital Advertising -Trends and Predictions | Catalina Bresser

Debriefing is essential for identifying errors, reviewing trends, improving communication, reviewing performance, and providing data to help predict future performance, change, and expectations. It also helps form strategies and operations for the future.

February 7, 2023

Helping Startup Ecosystems Thrive | Ed Frank

Startups are essential because they drive economic growth. They are the source of new jobs, products, and services. They drive innovation and create wealth, and today most founders have spouted from the generation of the millennials, but that is going to change. By 2030, Gen Z will become the world’s most significant demographic economy; studies show that almost two-thirds of that generation want to work for themselves. So, what does this mean? It means startup ecosystems will boom, and new startups will change the world. They will help us to be more productive.

January 31, 2023

Two Words at a Time: Simple Leadership, Giant Leap Consulting | Bill Treasurer

What defines leadership today in this unpredictable world? We can examine leadership styles from around the world, which vary, but there is always a similar foundation and framework, even if the focus has changed over the last ten or even three years. Leadership has become more situational, especially since the pandemic. 

January 24, 2023

No Business is too small for Digital Marketing | Jon Martinsen

Most people agree that the foundations of digital marketing skills are not hard to learn. However, it can be challenging to master those skills and put them to practical use in a digital marketing campaign. Most large companies have teams of digital marketers that can do this for them by specializing in one area or another, but what about SMEs? 

January 17, 2023

How to manage cross-cultural business relationships effectively | Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Cultural forces are always at play in today’s Global Economy. Although effective management of cultural differences is not necessarily a guarantee of business success, understanding and deepening one’s knowledge of the other culture is vital to the success of any venture. Culture influences communication, decision-making, negotiation, resolution of conflicts, the management of cross-national alliances and diverse teams. Without understanding the impact culture plays in any business transaction. 

January 10, 2023

Managing Your Career Journey in 2023 | Vicky Oliver

As we begin 2023, it is time to reflect on our careers. Career development is one thing to reflect on, but it is the short-term actions that one takes to learn a skill, fine-tune a strength or development a weakness. Career growth refers to the big picture, the overall progress of someone’s professional life. It is defined by the different roles and responsibilities we take on throughout our career journey, and this journey can go in several directions, but it is rarely linear. 

January 3, 2023

Fleeing Ukraine – Remembering one families story | Mihai Cristea & Olga Konarieva

As we begin 2023, it is time to reflect back on one of the most impactful incidents in our lifetime. Although the war in Ukraine has become part of our daily lives, we can not give up, and we must remember. On 21 February 2022, began the aggression against democracy as Russian invaded Ukraine. Most of us thought this may happen but never really believed it would happen.